Nell Regan
Author: Poetry, Non-fiction, Children’s Books
Nell Regan is a poet, non-fiction writer, translator and children’s author. She has published three poetry collections, Preparing for Spring, Bound for Home (Arlen House) and One Still Thing (Enitharmon Press) and her many awards include a Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship and Arts Council Ireland Literature Bursaries. She was a 2011 Fellow at the International Writing Programme, Iowa and a Fulbright Scholar at UC Berkeley. Her biography Helena Molony: A Radical Life, 1883 - 1967 (Arlen House) was an 2017 Irish Independent Book of the Year.
A Gap in the Clouds: A New Translation of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu with James Hadley was published in 2021 by Dedalus Press while her co-translation of Micheál Mac Liammóir’s Irish language poetry Bláth agus Taibhse: Flower and Ghost is forthcoming in 2025 from Cló Iar Chonnacht. Her debut book for children, Just Jump, will be published by Wonderhouse Books (Delhi) in 2025.
Available Rights
Children's Books
Gift Books